Friday, July 27, 2007

¿Ingles Por Favor?

Well we are finally here, in the lovely city of Madrid.

The flight over was the best flight I´ve had yet. From Miami to Madrid, the plane was underbooked and, consequently, I had to occupy two seats all by myself...that, or I accidentally bought a large man´s airfare...either way, I was comfortable but still could not sleep due to poor timing of a coffee break and, no doubt, anticipation.

Located in a quiet University district, our hostel is clean and offers free breakfast. The first night we went out to eat and pointed at random items on the menu for lack of understanding Spanish names for food. Cate ended up with soup; I, however, was served a spicy pot of chicken niblets that seemed naked without a tortilla and lettuce. Afterward, we went out with some French fellows, Spanish chicas and a South African. I tried the Sangria (red wine mixed with fruit juice) and may have found a new favorite drink. After trying to communicate with the Spanish ladies, however, Cate and I have decided to sign up for a Spanish course of some sort, so we don´t have to rely on our teaching skills to produce English speaking friends.

Orientation was today and boring, but free breakfast, and now we are beginning the great housing search. Right now we have found an apartment for 290 with furnishing and kitchen, but some sort of bunk bed I think, so we are still looking elsewhere.

Thanks to all who have been praying for the trip and all its details. I´m grateful that this trip has been smooth and an less jarring than South Africa, and God has certainly provided for the things I have been anxious about.

Other than that, I´m really excited to be here and can´t wait to get started!


hbutler said...

!bienvenidos, amiga! Post pictures soon!! I want to preview our vacation spots... :) miss you!

Joel said...

¡Espero que todo sea bien! Estoy contento que usted lo hizo a Madrid sin peligro. Estoy también contento que usted encontró una bebida buena ya. Aparece que usted ha puesto sus prioridades correctamente. Gócelo y no falsifique para decirme acerca de googetalk. ¡Hable con usted pronto!

The Birmingham Butlers said...

All this time and I've never introduced you to sangria? So glad you're there safely...
We'll be praying with you for an ideal apartment.

Unknown said...

Pollo is chicken, carne is meat, beef really, look for those and you should be ok.

For all those wondering what the #$%@! Joel said, as translated by Google, and []added by me
"Espero [I hope] that everything is well! I am contentment that you did it to Madrid without danger. I am also contented that you found a drink already good. It appears that you have put your priorities correctly. Gócelo and does not falsify to say to me about googetalk. Hable [Talk] with you soon!"

too funny.

Glad you're ok, have a great time and be safe!

David M. Butler said...

Biz, good to here the smallest of all the butlers finds two fat man seats on the plane.( yes that is jealousy) Good to hear you are safe in spain. Beware of gato and perro otherwise you will be eating someones pet. look forward to reading the updates on the throne.
Joel you're a Mexican, go back to raking.

Hannah said...

bizzy! it's so good to hear about your first impressions...i was still wondering if you and cate were safe and not still wandering around on the metro. :) i'm doing great....getting ready to post on my blog actually, so you can read that later if you want to hear my news. give cate my love. yay for europe!!

Ashley said...

there will be no...and i mean absolutely NO drinking or having fun without me!!!!

hhouston said...

Hey biz, Happy to hear you made it safely and that you had a good plane flight. Sangra is very good and you should definately try the paella to eat. It is a tasty traditional spanish dish that should be served almost anywhere.