Monday, May 26, 2008

Que pasa...

As you can tell, the last over-a-month period has been quite busy. In fact, I don't actually have time to write this.
Here are some dry-boned facts dreadfully wanting in relish.

At the moment I find myself between goodbye periods. Dear little Ginny left us almost a month ago, and her presence has been greatly missed. She finished up her contract (which I'm positive I've never even signed), handed me her remaining box of sugar cubes and lesson plans, and ran to the airport without looking back...which is how most of us intend to exit this dear country. For as delightful and exotic as life in Spain has been from time to time, I have reached the point where all I want to do is drive an over-sized, ozone-destructive S.U.V. down some McDonald's-lined 8 lane city-street to land in some seedy barbecue pit restaurant, where I can refill my coke a dozen times and pay my 5 dollar bill with a final "Y'all come back now!" trailing me out into the hot Southern air. And maybe even paste my gums with a big sticky slice of Apple Pie. Essentially, I want to eat myself back into America.

In a week and a half, Tim will also be leaving us...knocking down our friend group to a total of 3. Soon to be followed by Sarah, and eventually...finally...myself. And my eagerness grows daily. In fact, one morning, while Mallory was visiting, I woke up and decided that July 30th was too distant of a date, and moved my ticket to the 23rd. So, while that only means I'll be pestering Mallory in NYC with my company for even longer, I won't have the former prospect of spending a week and a half in Madrid by myself wondering why.

Before I leave, I have a trip to Holland to look forward to. I'll fly out immediately upon the end of the school term, to insure no possibilities of teaching beyond June 20th. And when I come back, Chuck, JP and Chris will be here for what looks like the beginnings of a great trip. I still need to do a lot of things, however, like attain my teaching certificate...apparently that is a mere formality here in Spain...and probably a great deal of things I've forgotten, that will surface the day before I leave.

But...que sera.

My Spanglish is phenomenal. I haven't said anything properly in either Spanish or English in over a month. I stepped on my earphones twice, and now must either read or risk losing a metallic speaker cover in my ear canal for the sake of a tune. The weather is cold and cloudy...still, and I might get to cook an octopus this weekend...?

Judging by my latest trend in blog entries, I don't know when I'll get back to my next update...but, until then...

Un saludo.

1 comment:

Cate Raff said...

You can definitely by iPod-ripoff earbuds at the Chino near my school for like 3 euros! I'll pick some up next week, if I remember.